Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Sirak's November 2020 Update!

My friends! My team!

This time last year we were preparing for Winter Camp and our students were looking forward to a much needed break! It was a challenging semester but one that was full of joy and seeing God's faithfulness. Even though the last 365 days have stretched us as a ministry and as individuals, I am deeply grateful for the students and relationships that God has placed in my life to experience life with. 

We have an amazing group of students, amazing student leaders, and one of the best staff teams I've ever served with. The past year couldn't be possible without them. 

Many college campuses are moving forward with the 'hybrid-campus' model where on-campus AND online classes are both offered with on-campus classes being around 10% - 20% of the classes offered. This spring, Richland College will again be 100% online. Even though I deeply want to be on campus again, I am encouraged by our awesome fall semester and am looking forward to the spring! 

Thank you all so much for your continual support and for believing in our mission to meet students & love students on :) 

I hope that these pictures below encourage you wherever you are. I am grateful for each and every one of you and the many ways that you've been supporting me! 

 My good friend, Dr. Mary Poplin, came into town a few weeks ago so she and I grabbed lunch. She came and spoke at our November 2019 Pizza Theology event and the students absolutely loved it. I am glad to have connected with such a brilliant woman of God! She has become a dear friend of mine. 

At our end-of-the-semester Thursday Night Thunder, we got to celebrate with one another through having a meaningful Christmas Service, dinner, and then Karaoke/Board Games. Our students love to party with each other! I'm grateful for each and every one of them! 

Our worship team did an especially great job! Bridgett and Ashley did a great job planning out the evening and we even had a great choir made up of students come along and help us with the singing! 

Valentin, one of my favorite students of all-time, came back to Richland Thursday night and hung out with us. I am thankful for him and his heart! He has since transferred from Richland College and now attends UT Arlington FOCUS. He is doing awesome over there! Love him!

(from left to right) Matthew, Simon, and Valentin! Love these students so much!

Our end-of-the-semester Christmas service was a success! I loved getting to be with all of our students and it was a very meaningful way to end the semester. 

(from left to right) Dayo, Ricky, Simon, and Lucas. I'm grateful for all of our students and their heart toward one another!

This semester I have loved getting to watch our other Richland FOCUS staff and apprentices get to preach & share with our students. In this picture, Ashley Obregon, one of our FOCUS apprentices is preaching on - How to love God with our mind! Our students have been so attentive and appreciative of when reading or hearing God's word! 

This year I have had the privilege of leading our Men's Wednesday 2pm Bible Study. The students who show up are attentive, excited, and engaged. Even though it is difficult at times to hear what the others are sharing (due to wearing masks), our guys have still been consistent and have had an open heart to one another!

Thank you so much for your support and for believing in me! I'm so honored to know that you are all there with me when I am on-campus loving & meeting students. It means even more to me to know that even though campus is 100% online you are all still there side-by-side with me as we love & serve college students.

Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have anything in your life that you need prayer for! I'm here for you!

Your brother & campus missionary,


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