Monday, December 4, 2023

2023: A Story of God's Faithfulness

My friends & team - good morning!

What a year - what a semester! Someone asked me recently: How is parenthood going? (I try not to think too deeply anymore and just respond from my gut) - I responded: "It feels like time isn't waiting on me or anyone else." 

Jesus said: "Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." (Mark 10:15, NIV)

The Message translation writes: "...'These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom. Mark this: Unless you accept God's kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in.' Then, gathering the children up in his arms, he laid his hands of blessing on them." (Mark 10:15, The Message)

It feels like time isn't waiting on me or anyone else - can sound discouraging and disheartening. After all, we do know that we are finite beings whose time here on this planet is limited. However, it also invites me to weigh my options: I can either 1) continually feel pulled along by the different forces of life/circumstance/fear/doubt/etc. or I can 2) be fully present & grateful for what is in front of me here & now. 

Jesus highlights the way children receive the kingdom. I believe he does this to give us a glimpse into a type of posture that is possible for each of us - for, we were all once children, right? 

I have observed that my daughter, exudes a humble acceptance of whatever is right in front of her. Mommy? Yes. Daddy? Yes. Discomfort? Yes. New people? Yes (In fact, she is unable to NOT make unbroken eye-contact with strangers). Pure joy? Yes. Wake up in the middle of the night? Yes. Absolutely. 

Her posture to all of life (so far) has been a resounding - YES! 

My posture to much of life is a resounding - NO! (I need to get my things done! I need my time! I need my space! I have my preferences for how life should be! etc. etc. etc.)

This posture of - NO! - has often followed me into ministry. The opposite of humble acceptance is most likely angry resistance

I took a seminary class a few quarters ago that taught: Evangelism is helping people take the first step. Discipleship is helping people take the next step. 

So, whichever step you are helping people take - you have to take into account where they are at with a humble acceptance. Meaning: if I have an angry resistance to where people are at - then I will be greatly hindered in my capacity to love people and show them Christ. 

I see in my daughter a humble acceptance of what life is: right in front of her. I believe Jesus was trying to help us cranky, bitter, & opinionated adults to take the next step in our journey of accepting the Kingdom - which, ironically, is a perpetual first step. 

Lord, teach us to take the next step - which involves us humbly accepting where you have us. Let us be filled with joy as we enter this holiday season & grateful for you are the God of both first steps and next steps. Amen. 

Merry Christmas to all of you <3 Thank you for your ministry support! 




This picture encompassed 1/2 me reading to Anaya & me thinking: "Wow, this was actually a pretty cook book." I think we need to normalize adults reading children's books before they (adults) go to bed - very calming and relaxing.

Our 2023-24 Richland FOCUS Ministry! Thankful for all of these students! 

I've loved getting to lead core w/ Yoni another year! He's been a true blessing to me & my life. Here he is holding Anaya (Yoni & I have a long side-quest story that theorizes that I may have held him as a baby). 

We had our first Richland FOCUS family night and it was wonderful! Getting to meet the parents & family of our students was a humbling experience for me. As college pastors, we inherit students into our group that have been loved & invested into for years long before we ever meet them! And, for that we say: thank you! 

Thank you to all of the parents & family who came! 

I got to help lead worship at our UTD FOCUS alumni night. I loved getting to see the all of the old & new faces - loved it! 

Our Wednesday FOCUS core went out to lunch and shared with one another all that God has been teaching us day to day :) Thankful for these guys!

Our Richland FOCUS students organized a Friendsgiving! (It seems like these "friendsgiving" events are becoming more & more common each year! So cool!) 

My cousins enjoyed getting to meet & spend time w/ Anaya at her first Thanksgiving! 

Thank you for believing in our mission to love college students and share Christ with them. Thank you for your support over the years and allowing me the immense privilege to walk on campus alongside you day in and day out as we meet & impact students together. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any prayer requests or just want to catch up! Your Christmas cards will be arriving soon :) 

Your brother & campus missionary,


Monday, November 6, 2023

October Was Spook...tastic!

My people! :) How are things? 

It's strange to see that we've only got a month left in the semester. It's even more strange to know that I have a 3-month old daughter. It feels like a day ago we were walking into the labor & delivery room to welcome our daughter, Anaya. Such is time! 

Thank you for your text messages & encouragements as I have entered this new path of parenthood. I get emotional thinking about all of the years of feeling insecure, not equipped, and unprepared for fatherhood. God is teaching me that all I really need to be is present and he will ultimately resource me as he sees fit. The truth is I have a deep feeling that, when it comes to parenthood, I have no clue what I'm doing. But, isn't that with most things in life? 

When I first was a part of planting Richland FOCUS in 2017 I was filled with similar feelings of inadequacy. It felt vulnerable and scary to share with someone: I know that I'm a campus pastor - but, I have no idea what I'm doing. Truth be told, if I could go back in time to tell 2017-version-Sirak anything I would tell him: "Trust God. Stop trying to do/be/earn everything. Show up. Love students. Go home. Sleep." Or, I would say something like that. 

I wonder what 45-year-old-Sirak would tell current 35-year-old-Sirak? Hopefully something along the lines of: "Show up. Love students. Love your family. Go home. Sleep." I hope 45-year-old-Sirak has healthy knees. 

With one month left in the semester, I am excited about entering the holiday season with a new rhythm that involves life with our daughter while still including traditions of previous years. I'd like to live with a posture of "welcoming". A couple of days ago, Anaya woke up with a bad cough and we had to make a run to the ER. She is now doing fine; we just had a small scare of RSV. Sloan and I felt out of control and were afraid. 

This "welcoming" posture has found its wording in a prayer I have returned to time & time again: 

Jesus, I release my need to feel safe and secure. Welcome Jesus, welcome.
Jesus, I release my need to be accepted and approved. Welcome Jesus, welcome.
Jesus, I release my need to control this person or event. Welcome Jesus, welcome. 
Jesus, I release my need to change reality but accept it as it is. Welcome Jesus, welcome. 

I pray that each of us would do our best and welcome the circumstances that befall us. Life is truly unpredictable and yet excruciatingly beautiful. Let's welcome the beauty that is often hidden in inconveniences and trouble. 

Enjoy the photos below! We are in the process of continuing to welcome new students each week to our Wednesday night fellowship meetings :) Been a fun year so far! 

Wednesday Night FOCUS has been a hit this year! Each week we have had new students show up and share excitement for our mission on campus to love students & share Christ! 

Last week we took Anaya to Wichita Falls, TX to meet some of her cousins! Uncle Ryan and Cousin Sammy were both excited to spend time with Anaya <3 

Our Thursday D-Class has been a highlight for me every week! We have been going through the book of Mark and our weekly conversations have been meaningful and special to me.

Anaya turned 3-months old! We feel so blessed to have her in our lives :) 

We had a scary moment on Sunday when we had to take her to the ER. Anaya had a scary cough and was battling RSV throughout the weekend. Thankful for the doctors & nurses who cared for her!

Please pray for continued wisdom and strength as we finish the semester strong! We feel blessed with the group of students who have been showing up and making FOCUS their home while they are students at Richland. 

Thank you for your support! I hope you feel encouraged and reminded of what your support is going towards as we serve & love the students in our ministry. Let's finish the semester strong! 

Your brother & campus missionary,


Monday, October 2, 2023

This Year Feels Different... (lots of pictures!)

My friends & team! 

As my title says - this year feels different when compared to previous years. I've had to remind myself not to compare my experience year to year due to the fact that every group of students are different and bring with themselves their own set of strengths and challenges. 

Serving in campus ministry at Dallas County Community College for the last 8 years has introduced me to the culture and social climate on campus. In my experience over the years, most of the students I cross paths with are "on their way somewhere else". By this I mean they are typically: 

  • on their way home
  • on their way to class 
  • on their way to eat by themselves in their car (this happens more often than one would think)
  • on their way to a 4-year university and just wanting to get out of here (the community college) as soon as they can
  • on their way to work
  • on their way to nap
  • on their way to study
  • on their way to remember to study...
  • etc. etc. etc.
Needless to say, it can be a challenge to invite students to consider changing up their plan so they can be present, stay on campus, and consider investing in their faith while they are a student! The social & campus life on campus at a community college can, in some ways, be lacking when compared to a 4-year University, but we try to be on campus in such a way that we invite students to remain on campus and get to know Jesus. So, instead of being "on their way" off-campus - we try to encourage students to remain on campus and be present while they are a student! 

Our evening fellowship meetings would average between 20-25 students in previous years, but, already 6 weeks into the school year we are having over 50 students in our Wednesday Night FOCUS meetings! Our 4-person staff team feels a bit overwhelmed but please pray that every student that walks into our meetings will be offered the gift of spiritual friendship! 

Enjoy the photos below! I'm grateful to have each of you on my team! I hope these encourage you to show how your support is clearing a path for God's Kingdom to come on campus! 

Joey has been such a joy to work with on staff. He is a great co-minister to have on campus serving our students. 

Our Wednesday Night Fellowship time(s) have been a blessing to me & our students! Each week we have over 40+ students come to campus at 6pm on Wednesdays to connect with one another and respond to the invitation to grow in their faith!

This is the first year we have begun our Richland D-Class! "D" stands for discipleship and we have been going through the book of Mark together. It is so refreshing and encouraging to get to go straight into the scripture as we learn about the life of Christ and how it impacts us.

Baby Anaya has turned 2 months old! She is growing so fast and we are soaking in all of the moments together. It is truly a blessing to have her in our lives! 

I'm so grateful to lead core again this year with Yoni (grey puma shirt). We have an amazing group of guys that are consistent and hungry to get into the Word each week. 

Another picture of our Wednesday Night FOCUS! 

Thank you for all of your support! :) 

My friends & team :) It's been such a beautiful year and I'm excited for all of the memories we'll make together this 2023-24 school year!

Your brother & campus missionary,


Sunday, September 3, 2023

And Everything Has Changed :) (Baby Edition!)

My friends & team!

Wow, so much has happened over these last 30 days :) 

My wife & I went to bed on Wednesday, August 2nd expecting a fine night of sleep when, around midnight, contractions began and the rest is history! We shortly welcomed Anaya Laine Asfaw to the world on August, 3rd 2023 at 12:57 PM! God is good!

I was looking through my early campus missionary blog posts from way back in 2013 and it is strange how time works. I feel like, in some ways, life is beginning again for me - a new era & season of parenthood is upon me & my wife. I'm excited for this new season while grateful for the last 10 years of preparation for this. I had no idea how the experiences of a decade of campus ministry would prepare me for parenthood but it seems there are universal lessons that God aims to each his people: faith, hope, and love.

"Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." 

(1 Corinthians 13:8-13)

When I look at Anaya, I feel a deep love for her that moves me to consider a glimpse of the love the Father has for me. Not just for me - but for all of us. When I look at Anaya I see a soul that God has entrusted me & my wife with that God has a plan and a purpose for. I get the privilege to love & care for her here & now. The college students that walk onto our campus I (along with our other campus pastors) get the privilege to love & care for here & now. 

Anaya turned one month old a few days ago and it truly seems as if only a few hours have passed since she was born. I've been a campus pastor for 10 years and it truly seems as if only a few weeks have passed. 

Faith. Hope. Love. But the greatest of these three are love. Love has always been there - I suppose the only difference is that I am more aware of it now than ever before. Lord have mercy on me and sustain me so that I will not forget Your love. 

My prayer is that I would be faithful, hopeful, and loving as I follow my savior. That I would trust his work inside of me isn't done yet. My prayer is that I would have a simple faith to pass onto my daughter to live as if I am loved as I hope she will as well. 

Thank you for your support & for believing in our mission to love college students. I hope the photos below encourage you and warm your heart a bit :) 

Me & baby girl :) 

My older brother got us a blanket w/ her name on it! Beautiful!

Our first core of the year! We had a fun group of guys show up for our first discussion :) Excited for many more!

Our first leader team meeting of the year :) Love these students!


Our first Wednesday Night FOCUS of the year! We had a great turnout :) Grateful for all of these students!

We tried a few new welcome week events this year - we did an event called: Ethnic Beats & Eats! We brought in food from different cultures and had get-to-know-you activities to get students to connect with one another!

Fun pic of some of the nephews meeting their new cousin Anaya!

Thank you for your support! I'm honored that I get to share this journey with each of you. Thank you for your prayers for a safe delivery :) We are grateful and excited to get to share our experience of parenthood with you!

Your brother & campus missionary,


Tuesday, August 1, 2023

July 2023 - A Month I'll Never Forget :)

Hello my friends :) 

What can I say? First off: Thank you! To you who are newly joining my campus missions support team - I'm so grateful to have you side-by-side with me on campus as we love a new group of college students :) What an honor! 

Our baby due date was this past weekend but our doctor told us to be expecting labor to begin at any point this week. We are excited! Wow...these last 9 months have flown by so quickly. I sometimes feel that the 9 months of pregnancy are just as much for the parents to acclimate as they are for the growing & developing baby on the inside :) 

We are excited to meet baby Anaya and we can't wait to share photos with you! 

This year is going to be an interesting one! By the grace of God I want to be the best father I can be to my daughter & best husband I can be to Sloan. I also want to serve the campus and connect with as many students as I possibly can. 

I turned 35 years old a few weeks ago and I can already feel that campus ministry at 35 years old has a qualitative difference when comparing it to campus ministry at 25 years old! This difference is hard to put into words. In a way, ministry is sweeter & more meaningful. I'm less concerned with making a name for myself & less concerned with impressing those around me

I am, however, more concerned with staying tuned in and connected to God as he leads me (Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path, Psalm 119:105). I'm less concerned with managing & telling my team what to do and am more concerned with making sure they are balanced & also connected with God in their week to week ministry life. 

Paul has a line in 1 Thessalonians 2:8 where he says:

"Just as a nursing mother cares for her children, so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well." (1 Thessalonians 2:7-8)

My prayer for my ministry & my leadership this year is that God would give me courage to lead in a way that allows me to share my life with students & my team as the Gospel is proclaimed. I want to be open with what I'm newly learning. I want to be insightful and give glory to God as he teaches me through the obstacles and roadblocks in my life! To me, that is what spiritual leadership is all about! Lord be with me!

I still don't have it all figured out. I am very aware of how little I know. But, I am very excited for this new season. If God has shown me anything since COVID it is that: nothing stays the same but Him! 

In the midst of all the change and transition - I feel blessed to have you all consistently month to month supporting me as we walk this journey together. 

Not as many photos this time around - but I'm sure that will change as my blog update may or may not be filled with pictures of baby Anaya :) Love you guys! 

Our weekly Wednesday afternoon "Richland FOCUS Boys Club"! This was such an encouraging time for us to spend time together each week. 

I love our Richland students :) I'm excited for this year! 

I've enjoyed our weekly Summer FOCUS meetings! It has been encouraging to connect with the different students from the other campuses. I think we're going to have a great year this year! 

What a fun group this year! Claire (taking the selfie) will be transitioning off our Richland ministry team at the end of September. Be praying for her as she enters the market place and looks for work in her field (she has a Bachelor's degree in Supply Chain Management).

I look forward to sharing baby photos w/ you! Thank you for your support & please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or if you need prayer for anything going on in your lives.

Your brother & campus missionary,


Sunday, July 2, 2023

Sirak's June 2023 Update!

My friends & team! 

This summer has been off to a great start and we're already beginning plans for Fall 2023! I'll try to get a picture of our 2023 Dallas College FOCUS Staff here soon - we've had a few meetings but keep forgetting to take a staff photo. Veronica, a graduating student from The University of North Texas. will be taking the next year to be a part of our FOCUS apprenticeship and we're excited to have her join our team! 

This summer, Joey (my co-Richland pastor) and I have been having "Richland FOCUS Boys Club" on Wednesday afternoons and they have been so encouraging. I feel blessed and honored to get to spend time with our Richland guys each week. We've been having great conversations and enjoying the change of pace from a busy school year. Grateful for our time together! 

Thank you again for all of your ministry support! In just a few weeks, my wife & I will be welcoming our daughter, Anaya, into the world and we're excited to get to meet her! I can't wait to show y'all some baby photos. Please pray for a safe & smooth delivery! She is going to be a light to all of us :) 

Enjoy the photos below! Each summer I try to change up my pace and spend more time in scripture & prayer. I'd like to share a Psalm (below) that has been ministering to me (Psalm 131):

Psalm 131:

My heart is not proud, Lord,

my eyes are not haughty;

I do not concern myself with great matters 

or things too wonderful for me.

But I have calmed and quieted myself,

I am like a weaned child with its mother;

like a weaned child I am content.

Israel, put your hope in the Lord

both now and forevermore.  

This Psalm helps me rest & find union with Christ. Each school year is filled with one-on-one appointments, books/articles to read, camps to plan, meetings to attend, etc. they are a blessing but can often keep me so busy that I forget what it means to rest. I hope that this Psalm can minister to you wherever you are. What are the "great matters" that you find yourself concerned with that God may want you to lay down for a bit to rest in him? 

Summer FOCUS!

Student baptism! 

My wife & I celebrated 5 years of marriage in June! Time is feeling as if it is flying by, but, that is how I hear it goes! 

Our Richland FOCUS Boys Club!

Getting the baby room ready for Anaya!

My family came out to celebrate our baby shower! 

Thank you so much for your support & partnership! :) I'm honored that I get to serve with you side-by-side! Let's have a great summer and kick off the year at Richland College!

Your brother & campus missionary,
