My friends! My team!
Thank you for your time reading this :) As I sit in this coffee shop and type my blog I am filled with many emotions. It's hard to believe that we have only a couple of months left of 2020 and the semester is coming to a close.
I love getting to work with the amazing students and staff in my life. They are courageous, kind, bold, and attuned to what God is doing around them. I've always struggled with thankfulness - I can be more pessimistic than I am optimistic - I can be more negative than I am positive - I can be more hostile than I am warm; these are some of my 'natural tendencies' and I have seen God grow and develop me in.
I can honestly say that right now I am optimistic. I am positive. I am warm towards what our ministry and communities are going through. Our students have responded jumped into the year in stride and are opening their hearts to one another each and every week. Our leader team is warm to one another and the visitors that we have in our meetings every week.
This has been a year to remember - not just in campus ministry but in the world at large. I hope that you all are encouraged and reminded that optimism, positivity, and warmth are all choices that you and I can make on a day-to-day basis.
Also, I released some music yesterday, my single, "Making The Best"! A song about - making the best with what we've got!
Check it out if you've got some time: spotify:track:5wOzNpUs7Dswl7Ov8XIKL7
Enjoy the photos and THANK YOU for your support and friendship :)
Our Tuesday afternoon co-ed core! They have done a great job building community and loving/serving one another :) |
I got to have dinner a few weeks ago with Dayo & Matthew - I enjoyed our time together. I also tried Horchata for the first time. It was delicious! |
I'm thankful that I get to lead worship each week with our volunteer student worship team! They do an awesome job serving our Richland FOCUS community :) |
Our Richland Men's Wednesday 2pm core! Half of us meeting in person w/ masks and the rest are via zoom. It has been encouraging and fun! |
Our ministry got together a few weeks ago for pizza theology and it was a great experience :) We watched the live-stream and discussed how to think like a Christian in society. |
There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes of a pizza theology event! Thankful for Cort and Rhett for putting in all the work behind-the-scenes to love & serve the students! |
Our 2020 apprentices did a great job at our 1st preaching lab! We have another one coming up soon and I'm looking forward to the experience of it as well :) |
We did a Richland FOCUS Halloween Party last week and it was awesome! The costumes were very creative and we had a great time! |
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