My friends :) My team :)
Here we are, another year. I was listening to "The Thanksgiving Song" by Ben Rector and there is a line in it where he says: "Life never stops changing but some things never change." It touched me because of how true it is. Time never quite stops moving on but we find that in each new season that arrives we are a little different...the world is a little different...our society is a little is different...etc.
There are some things that never change in campus ministry: meeting students, loving students, and discipling students. These never change. But, 2020 has shown us time and time again that life truly never stops changing. We experienced some drastic changes in 2020, but, maybe the changing has always been there but we just finally experienced it on a deep level.
As we enter the spring semester we have a lot of ideas as to how we can keep the constants continuing: meeting students, loving students, and discipling students. But, no doubt as we have seen: things will change. This semester may present new issues and things we may need to shift & move around, but we're here for it!
Thank you for your support and for believing in us! December was a relaxing month of reflection, reading, and remembering what God has done this fall and praying for him to move this Spring. We have an awesome group of students that were consistent with us this past fall and we're looking forward to an awesome spring semester!
Just in case you haven't seen me in a while - this is an updated photo of me doing what I love: enjoying pho! |
Thank you all so much for your support and for believing in me! I am blown away to get to serve alongside you on God's campuses. Even though this will be another online-only semester, we still hope to meet new students and love them!
Your brother & campus missionary,